A2 SY3

A2 SY3 Sociology of Health Videos

A2 SY3 Sociology of Health Video links

VIDEO 1 - Theoretical perspectives - the beneficence of the medical profession
Angels of Death; Part 2-
Shipman and David Norris cases; use these case to challenge the functionalist view that all medical professionals are universally beneficent, competent and altruistic.  Key critic of Parson's functionalist view is Bryan Turner (1995).  Note that Norris is a nurse, but I have included this as the Shipman case is very well known: the Norris case, much less so.


VIDEOs 2 and 3 -  The oppression of women
L'Esperance's (1977) linking of the disease of hysteria to the oppression of women is not original, but an association made by many writers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.  See 'The Yellow Wallpaper' by the American author, Charlotte Perkin's Gilman's (1892), for an example of oppression-generated psychosomatic illness, with the circular defining of merely the desire for liberation being seen as evidence of sickness. The battle was not only fought by female writers.  For a good example in writing by males and an acute portrayal of stereotypes, see Henrik Ibsen's play, 'The Doll's House', written in 1879.
Video 2


VIDEO 4 - The link between illness and disease. does a disease only exist if it has a name?  
Watch the following for the Gulf War Syndrome debate - is it real?   If it is real, why has it not been recognised as such?   Find out what is meant by toxic soup theory.
Refer to Haralambos; page 281


VIDEO 5 - Parson's sick role - the monitoring and control of absenteeism
From a functionalist perspective, sickness is something which has to be controlled.   Look at the data from Office of National Statistics which show interesting differences in sickness absence in the labour market from 1993 - 2012.  Wales, with many public sector* and older workers, has (along with the north east) relatively high rates of sickness absenteeism.

*Sickness rates are higher in the public sector, and amongst women (many women are employed in the public sector) than in the private sector.


VIDEO 6 - Disability 
I think this video was produced in New Zealand.  Quite long, 28 minutes, so for home viewing, but well worth it.  Very thought, provoking with people talking about their experiences of other people's reactions.  Reminder too, in all our discussion of the social construction of the body of the psycho-social impact of sudden physical change, what Bury referred to as biographical disruption.


VIDEO 7 - Disability

Brilliant advertisement from Disability Rights Commission making disability the norm and those without disability the exception.  A sharp reminder of the subtle and not so subtle ways in which prejudice and discrimination occurs.  The reversal of expectations should remind you of Ackernecht's (1947) work in indigenous people in South America and the incidence of spirochetosis, a disease so common that those without it were discriminated against, including a ban on marriage.

VIDEO 8 - Disability
A video targeted at both employees with disabilities, those seeking work and employers, informing about The Disability Discrimination Act (1995, 2006) and the legal requirement for employers to make reasonable adjustments to enable those with disabilities to carry out their work.   Note that the Disability Discrimination Act was recently endorsed by The Equality Act (2010), which incorporated all legislation concerned with discrimination into one piece of legislation.