A2 SY4

SY4 Milliband on inequality in society


SY4: The Archbishoip of Canturbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has described Cameron's Big Society as "aspirational waffle" and that it was "designed to conceal a deeply damaging withdrawal of the state from its responsibilities to the most vulnerable".

Given the importance of current political debate concerning the role  the welfare state and that of philanthropy in meeting needs, it is worth looking at the research being undertaken by Professor Pharoah of the Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy.  Pharoah has explored issues such as whether we have become more generous as a nation as we have become wealthier and whether giving is affected by adverse economic circumstances (a recession).  If donations were to dip in a recession, a reduced benefits system would leave those with less in difficulties, so this is extremely important research.